Sunday, March 16, 2008

Congrats Tim & Laura!

Today on the bus ride to Erawan Falls we looked at the time, counted 15 hours back (as we often do) and realized everyone would be sitting down to eat dinner at your reception right then. Oh how we wished we were able to be in two places at one time or have the ability to zip quickly back for the party and to see your new house! We hope it went well and can't wait to see the photos and hear the stories. Congrats guys!

In celebration of today here's one of our favorite photos of Laura & Tim:


Unknown said...

As we've said before, we wish you guys could have been there with us, but we're following your adventures closely on the blog. Jen - all your planning work paid off - it was super fun and really beautiful. Thanks!

Jack Attack said...

A dueling blog:
has a shockingly similar picture of the newlyreceptioned.